Hello there!! Glad
you stopped in. Boy do I have
a treat for you!! You're here because of my Christmas web ring
affiliations. And TODAY is your lucky day. Lucky because not only
do you get to visit my happy Holiday home but you get the option
of picking one of my other Christmas destinations. All right here
from this easy location. So sit back relax and enjoy the ride. :o)

Pick a Place
What treasures await those who dare??
Visit with Donna and her family and explore her family friendly Holiday site. Pick a
Pocket Angel, earn her Christmas award or take home her Holiday greeting card. Plus
there's a bit of history, maybe some recipes and just plain old fun.
A doggy can not live by bones alone.
Come celebrate the holiday with Speedy and get a puppies point of view on just how
the Christmas Holiday should be spent. Speedy will even teach you how to get your
puppy dog to sing Christmas carols. How's that for a smart puppy dog?
Now here's a fun little spot. :o) My teenage daughter Nikki has
wonderful heart-warming Christmas stories that will delight both the
young and the young at heart. Find out what Christmas means to her.

Keep your eye
open for this picture.
No matter where your adventure begins or ends it will
always bring you safely back to this one stop location.

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by Bravenet.com

On to my Christmas Pages

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Images used at
this web site are not public domain
and not available for download. Thank you!!

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