Sunday, September 10, as the leaves turn gold, is the time
chosen to honor those in their golden years: grandparents.
National Grandparents Day is a time for families to gather
and share stories, traditions, and memories among the
generations. A relatively new holiday, Grandparents Day became
official in 1978. The push for a day that honored the elderly
was started by Marian Lucille Herndon McQuade, a West Virginia
housewife and grandmother of 40 who was an advocate for seniors.
Five years after West Virginia proclaimed a Grandparents Day,
President Jimmy Carter signed a bill establishing the first
Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents Day.

This has always puzzled me, just how much is a pinch?
These recipes of dear Grandma's surely are no cinch.
A "snip" of this, a "dab" of that, a "lump" of something
Then "beat it for a little while", or, "stir until it melts."
I have to be a wizard to decipher what she meant,
By all these strange proportions in her cookbook worn and bent.
How much nutmeg in the doughnuts? Grandma wouldn't flinch,
As she said, with twinkling eyes, "Oh, just about a pinch."
There must have been in her wise head a measuring device,
That told her just how much to use of sugar, salt and spice. |

Grandmother's Talent
A grandmother has a special talent- She
always knows just what to do
To make her grandchildren happy And to show she loves them, too.
At the family get-togethers, She's the first person to look for-
She can entertain small children for hours, And they always keep asking for more.
You can tell when a grandmother's teasing By the twinkle that shines in her eyes-
She's an expert at settling problems, For she's loving, patient and wise.
Her grandchildren always admire her, Even when they are grown-
They always feel proud and happy To claim Grandmother as their own!
Mary Dawson Hughes

are mothers who are grand,
Restoring the sense that our most precious things
Are those that do not change much over time.
No love of childhood is more sublime,
Demanding little, giving much on demand,
More inclined than most to grant the wings
On which we fly off to enchanted lands.
Though grandmothers must sometimes serve as mothers,
Helping out, or maybe taking over,
Each has all the patience wisdom brings,
Remembering our passions more than others,
Singing childish songs we long remember. |

When God created
the world was truly blessed
with all the special joys
that make a family happiest...
For grandparents know how to do
the things that warm a heart,
They touch our lives with loving care
right from the very start...
They show that they believe in us
and all we're dreaming of...
When God created grandparents,
He blessed our lives with love. |

Grandpa and Me
Come Grandpa, walk with me...
Help me to be the best kid I can be.
Take me here and take me there...
Show me now how much you care.
The many hours we share together...
Will be times I'll always remember forever. |

Grandparents Day

Grandparent Signs By Cute
Grandparents by Cute Countryside
No right click code by Billy
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