"Let Me Give My Thanks!"
Let's get serious for a minute. You know we go through life each day so unaware, and take for granted so many things. There are those persons, unseen and unknown, to whom we need to be grateful. We take for granted turning on a light switch. We assume electricity will light the lamp, but how about the people that keep the system running? Same for the water, and the supermarket. We walk in and everyday it's filled with food. How did it get on the shelves; how did it get to the stores; how did it get out of the fields; how did it first get planted? Everyday we need to overflow with gratitude. Looking at life from such a perspective will begin to change our daily attitude towards all life, and, possibly, even towards our self and others.

And what about the talented folks who help us decorate our web pages? The folks who spend hour upon hour creating graphics just for us!! What do they ask in return? They don't ask for much. A simple link back to their site is all! Is that to much to ask? No, I don't think so! So the next time you go shopping for graphics please remember to place a link back to the talented artists web page so other's will be able to see all that the ingenious artisan has to offer! Please!"

Thank You! To the fine people below!


Thank You Santa Chuck! Who's patience and understanding
allows me to do what I do. For the laughs and giggles we share.
For paying for my ISP every month and not minding if we have
grilled cheese for dinner AGAIN. I may not always show my
appreciation but I know that you know I'd be lost without you!!

To Ron Andring once again, who's many talented efforts
have made this all possible. He probably thinks he's created
a monster... :o) Thanks Ron for teaching me what I needed
to know and helping me do what I couldn't do.

HoneyBrook Graphics


To my own personal Angel ~ Karen! Who's gold trimmed jewels grace
my page and who's Holiday Hotel signs light the way! Thank you
for helping to add just the right amount of sparkle to my pages!
Check out One Thing To Never Forget you'll be glad you did!


Thank You Renee for teaching me EVERYTHING else!!
I know I still have a long way to go but you make
getting there so much fun!! Sweetiekins, what can I
say? You're awesomekinawesome!! Just when I think
I've seen it all you show me soooo much more.

Thank You Laurie for bein a good friend!! Through beans, mice,
camp, holidays, island adventures, and blogs we've seen it all.
I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed our friendship and phone calls.

Mary's Little Lamb

Thank you Mary for all your sweet treats!

Thank you Karen for
being the best doggy maker ever!! :o)

Jeanne, You are my inspiration!
Your Holiday pages are awesome!

Marian's Banner

A special Thank You to Marian for running one of the
best web rings on the net and for being a great friend too!!

Annie's Home Page

Thank you Annie for being such a special lady!!

Billy BearBilly Bear, Thank you for a place to play!
Your site is the best place for Holiday fun on the net. 

Thank You Viki for doing
such a great job making my family.

Kelly Kelly, You're a peach!
Thank You for making the Hotel Rooms upon my request. Your
room designs are icing on my cake! A place for everything,
everything in it's place. Thank You for sharing.

toc Who would have thought someone
would actually –NEED– rooster graphics? I searched for
days... I accidentally stumbled across your site after
signing someone's Guestbook, much to my surprise, my
search was over. Thank You Teresa!

Most of all Thank you Lord!

sign  Mail view


The Holiday Hotel Circle of Friends Club



1997-2003 DMBP ~ Images listed at this web site are not
public domain and not available for download. Thank you!!


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