If you have a Jack Russell who is sick
with a skin disorder and lesions on it's body please be sure to read
start at the bottom and work your way up the page reading the course
of events that ultimately led to her death. |

Speedy has passed
from this world into the next and while I'm sad at least she is no longer in pain. Speedy
gave us 5 whole years of joy. The very first day we brought her home she climbed up on to
my husband head to warm herself while she looked out the back window
and everyday since she entertained us with her silly antics and made
our little piece of the world brighter by her presence. As you can see from her *real*
picture Speedy was born with her angel wings so I'm thankful God let us borrow her for a
little bit.
At this time I don't have the heart to delete this section
of my web site. |

used to romp and play and bark at the neighbors.
I used to live to torture my Nikki...
Anyone who knew me knew I LOVED spiders!!
Next to tree bark and bugs they were my favorite treat!!
Come along... read what it was like to be me.
The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may
a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not
scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too. |

If you've ever known the joyful sound
Of barks that fill the air-
A sloppy kiss, a friendly paw,
A quiet adoring stare-
If you've ever had a special friend
To share a tear or two,
Or maybe just a wagging tail
To lift you when you're blue-
If you've ever felt the wrenching pain
That only death can send,
Then you have lost
Not just a dog-
You've truly lost a friend.
But God is good and treasures love
And there at Heaven's gate-
A sloppy kiss, a joyful bark-
Your precious friend awaits.

Web set designed especially for Speedy by the folks
at HoneyBrook Graphics. Images are
not public domain
nor available for download. Thank you!!

1998 - 2003 Dmbp All rights reserved
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Page last updated
Sunday November 16, 2003 03:56 AM