As I said before Chuck's the body man! Mr. Fix-it, The Demo Derby guy, The
Science and Math Teacher, Chuckles! Lucky Chucky! You can call him anything 'cept late for
dinner! If it's broke he's the guy to call. He can just about fix anything. Loyal
Ford follower, he lives for that first NASCAR race in February at Daytona and counts the
Chuck only dreams of having a real garage type business. Although he really does work in a
garage. He's a body shop guy for our local school and transit bus company and spends his
days fixing broken busses. When he isn't fixing busses you can usually find him in his own
garage doing what he loves best, fixing cars, motorcycles, lawn mowers and all kinds of
stuff. Chuck's the type of guy who can almost look at something that doesn't work and tell
you what the problem is and 9x's outta 10 he has it fixed in a jiffy.
Let me give you an example... One day I spent nearly 2 hours trying to get our VCR to work
with the living room TV. I fooled with buttons, I fooled with wires, I fooled with
switches. I even hooked it up in the bedroom to see if maybe it was the living room TV. It
worked perfect in there. So why wouldn't it work in the living room? I was beyond
frustrated! He came home sprinkled a bit of his magical mechanics dust and within 15
minutes had the problem solved. Grrrrr... and he wouldn't tell me what he did!! LOL!! But
this is something I've grown accustom too in our 8 years together. Anymore I just leave it
for Chuck. :o)
Having a mechanic for a husband does have it's advantages. Chuck's magical mechanics
abilities don't just apply to cars and motors. He's also proficient in plumbing, heating
and refrigeration and electricity. Plus he's an all around nice guy. *g* What more could a
gal want huh...? (LOL!! Want a list? *g*)
When I think back on my younger years, the thoughts of actually dating a "Grease
Monkey" would have simply been out of the question. Now when I think of all the money
he has saved by doing the costly repairs himself and the money he has earned fixing ol
broken down jalopies I'm laughing all the way to the bank.
They say one mans trash is another mans treasure. This is certainly true in our family.
Bulk trash day is a banner day for my husband. Him and his brother go out hunting the
piles bringing home anything with wheels to be tinkered on and quickly turned into big
time cash. Last year some unsuspecting fool must have gotten tired of fixing his John
Deere lawn tractor. Quick to spot a good deal the brothers brought that baby home and
split a quick profit of $700.00.
Hence the hunters theme for this page. While Chuck wouldn't hurt a flea he
saves all his energy for hunting up bargains. |