This is Nikki! Our 16 year old! Ah-More like 38! She knows just
about everything! Or at least she thinks she does. She's the artist in the family. If she
isn't drawing, she's writing poetry, or singing her little heart out. She just got a piano
so look out world! Chuck where's those ear plugs? *g*
Nikki spends one-third of her day at school, one-third on the phone or on
her computer typing up stuff about her favorite music groups, and the rest in
trouble. *g* She's a major N'SYNC fan and went to her first N'Sync concert in 1999
and had a ball.
A weekend doesn't go by without having kids here or her going over to her friends houses.
According to her teachers, Nikki's the social butterfly. To me she's quite mischievous
(HA... now there's an understatement!) and a comedian who makes me laugh! To her Justin
You know the old saying... The apple doesn't fall far from the
tree.... Well this kid is sure a chip off the old block... Teenagers and Menopause.. What
a thrill!! and they tell me I haven't seen anything yet. Oh Lord, You mean there's more!
God help me!

Here's to the kids who are different,
The kids who don't always get A's
The kids who have ears twice the size of their peers,
And noses that go on for days...
Here's to the kids who are different,
The kids they call crazy or dumb,
The kids who don't fit, with the guts and the grit,
Who dance to a different drum...
Here's to the kids who are different,
The kids with the mischievous streak,
For when they have grown, as history has shown,
It's their difference that makes them unique.

A Tribute to Daughters
Every home should have a daughter,
for there's nothing like a girl
To keep the world around her In one continuous whirl.
From the moment she arrives on earth, and on through womanhood,
A daughter is a "female" who is seldom understood.
One minute she is laughing, the next she starts to cry,
Man just can't understand her and there's just no use to try.
She is soft and sweet and cuddly, but she's also wise and smart;
She's a wondrous combination of a mind and brain and heart.
And even in her baby days, she's just a born coquette;
And anything she really wants, she manages to get.
For even at a tender age, she uses all her wiles;
And she can melt the hardest heart with the sunshine of her smiles.
She starts out as a rosebud with her beauty unrevealed;
Then through a happy childhood, her petals are unsealed.
She's soon a sweet girl graduate, and then a blushing bride;
And then a lovely woman as the rosebud opens wide.
And some day in the future, if it be God's gracious will,
She, too, will be a Mother and know that reverent thrill,
That comes to every Mother whose heart is filled with love
When she beholds her "angel" that God sent her from above.
And there would be no life at all in this world or the other
Without a "darling daughter" who, in turn, becomes a "Mother!"
~ Helen Steiner Rice ~

The Concert By:
I went to the Spectrum and
what did I see?
*AHHHHH*, 'N Sync was playing for me.
Joey, Chris, Lance, Justin, and J.C.
I knew it just had to be a dream. *Twinkle, Twinkle*
*Bam, Bam* Went the speakers as they blasted with sound.
It was over, they had to leave, so the crowd gave them a round,
*BOOHOO, WAAWAA* Everyone burst out in tears,
then everyone cried out
*Encore, Encore, cheer, cheer, cheer!*
When they came back out on stage,
they quickly stared at the look alike animal cage.
They then quickly drank their water out of their cups.
Then started to sing *Giddy-Up*.
They promised they were going to bring a girl up on stage,
and bring her backstage,
away from all the horrid rage.
*HaHa*, we all started dancing, singing and laughing,
*BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING*, I heard loud dings,
and they were real off springs.
and then *WHAM!* I hit my alarm button with my eyes closed,
I said, *AHHHHHH, OUCH,* and looked on my dresser drawer,
and at first there was an awful blur.
Something felt sharp like a picket,
I brought it closer and *AHHHHH*,
it was an "N Sync ticket!!!!!

was "SPEEDY!" The name fit her perfectly.
This dog used
to speed everywhere. She was
like a blur. Boom! She's was gone! Speedy
was the gift that kept on giving. She was a present
from my husband Chuck for our first wedding anniversary. December 22, 1996. She's provided
nothing but entertainment ever since.
Unfortunatly Speedy crossed rainbow bridge on 11/30/01
Speedy was a Jack Russell Terrier and the most loveable and friendliest pets I've ever
owned. This dog actually gaves us hugs! They say elephants never forget well neither do JRT's! Speedy had a mind like a steel trap. She
forgot nothing.
She was so cute when she
wanted my attention
she'd hop right up behind me onto
my chair and wiggle her way
onto my desk to stare nose to nose at me. Almost as if to say, Ok you've been on that
stupid computer long enough... Let's go out and play. If you want to read more about
Speedy you can check out her web page.
Click Speedy to
visit Speedy's World.
Poor Speedy crossed over
Rainbow Bridge on 11-30-01. A day does not go by without
thoughts of her.

And then
there's Peanut
If we were hoping to get another Speedy boy
did we pick wrong. While Peanut has her own personality she does
not possess the same sweet charming disposition that both Lucky
and Speedy possessed. What Peanut lacks in sweetness she more
than makes up for in silliness.
Peanut makes Lucky and Speedy seem like a day
in the park. Both dogs were feisty and full of determination but
not like Peanut. It's like Peanut is on a mission. A mission
of destruction. LOL!!
You should see her run around our family room
at full speed. We just get out of the way and watch in
amazement. Or she'll make us laugh as she sits and watches TV
like she knows what's going on. Only when she feels like
cuddling does she become a lil sweetie so you can bet I cherish
those times. :o)
If you want
to read more about Peanut you can check out her web page.
here to
visit Peanut's Place.